
Compensation Philosophy

该大学薪酬计划的目的是吸引, 公平、公正地保留、激励和奖励教职员工 competitively. 大学致力于公平和公平的薪酬,以补充职位的责任和在职人员的表现.

Compensation rates for Faculty and Executive, 行政和专业(EAP)职位的设置基于(1)当地类似职位的市场数据, regional and/or national markets, (2) sensitivity to internal equity, and (3) available fiscal resources. The market data is updated on a regular basis.

EAP头寸的市场波动幅度设定为每个头寸市场平均水平的80-120%. 最低费率通常适用于资历不明显高于最低要求的新员工. 高于最高限额的工资必须由任命人员以书面证明,并经人力资源部门批准.

Salary & Pay Adjustment Information

除了市场因素外,决定工资的因素还包括 业绩,相关经验,适用的学历证书 and responsibility. Appointing officers set starting salaries based on these factors, with sensitivity to internal equity. Justification for these decisions is documented by the appointing officer. Market data 每年提供给人力资源部门的每位任命人员. 起薪及其理由由董事会审查和批准 人力资源,平权法案和行政官员.

教员和行政人员,行政人员和 Professional (EAP) staff is based on merit. The merit pay adjustments reflect individual performance. Salary adjustments for equity, market and promotions are in addition to the merit increase.

加薪通常会在每年的8月6日生效. 加薪必须得到主管的批准 and submitted to Human Resources.

在职人员被确定需要特别薪酬调整时 由于市场的原因,通常在绩效规划时进行调整. 不过,在有理由的情况下,偶尔会在年中进行调整 市场和/或内部股权问题,经批准 适当的任命主任,行政主任和人力资源.

欢迎教师和工作人员与补偿金见面 analyst in Human Resources to review salary information. To pursue a 对教师或工作人员的工资问题/关切的解决办法 will discuss their concerns with their supervisor. If no resolution is 到达后,欢迎教师或工作人员与他们见面 appointing officer. If no resolution comes from this meeting, the 欢迎教职员工与他们的高管会面 officer. The executive officer's decision shall be final.

Compensation/Wage Schedules

Hourly Wage Schedules - The Union Contract page includes wage schedules 供专业支援人员、公共安全人员使用 & Command), and Maintenance, Grounds and Service (MGS) staff. The wage 时间表在合同后面的附录部分. 

该大学薪酬计划的目标是吸引, 公平、公正地保留、激励和奖励教职员工 competitively. The university is committed to fair and equitable 与职位职责相匹配的薪酬 the performance of the incumbents. Compensation rates for executive, 行政和专业(EAP)职位设置基于 本地,区域和/或类似职位的市场数据 national markets with a sensitivity to internal equity. Market ranges are assigned to each position from survey sources. The minimum of the 范围通常适用于持有资历的新员工 significantly greater than the minimum required. The maximum of the 市场范围通常适用于参展员工 资格和/或职责明显高于这些 normally needed for the position.

访问和附属教师职位的薪酬率为 根据部门内同类职位的市场情况 现任和现任的资格一般都低于 tenure track compensation schedule. The minimum rate will normally 适用于具有不显著以上资历的人士 the minimum. The starting rates will be administratively set by the 任命的人员的级别被认为与 申请人的学历、工作经验和特殊技能.

Compensation Market Review


Please note, not all requests will follow the process same process; the outline below is to provide a general overview of what may occur when a compensation market review is requested. 每个请求将逐案审查,处理过程将因请求而异. 下一步将根据前一步的结果确定.

  1. 员工向薪酬分析师提交书面请求,并且需要将主管包括在请求中.
  2. 薪酬分析师将要求员工提供最新的职位描述.
    1. If the job description has changed, 在将职位描述发送给薪酬分析师之前,员工需要与他们的主管会面,做出适当的更改.
    2. 职位描述的更新应该基于特定角色的需求,而不是个人员工的需求.
  3. Once an updated job description has been received, 薪酬分析师将完成市场数据审查. This step can take approx. 2-4 weeks to be completed. 
  4. After the market review has been conducted, 薪酬分析师将与员工和主管联系,讨论结果. 
  5. 薪酬根据外部市场、内部公平和部门预算而定.

请注意:市场审查结果和建议将有助于为主管和部门提供特定角色可比薪酬的大纲. 这只是一个提纲,不能作为增加补偿的保证.

Job Descriptions

View all Professional Support Staff (PSS) and Maintenance, Grounds, and Service (MGS) job descriptions, 行政专业人员(AP)职位描述格式. Please contact Dani Kimera regarding job descriptions updates or questions.

Learn how to write a job description.

Salary Book

All Faculty/Staff


Salary Book (as of November 17, 2023)

Appointing & Executive Officers


Full Salary Book

Page last modified April 17, 2024