Sandbox Learning Innovation Grant


  • Amount: $500
  • Purpose: 这项拨款为创新的教学方法提供种子基金, learning, or student engagement. 
  • Eligibility: 所有教员(终身教职、终身教职、附属教职、访问教职和兼职教职). Staff not eligible.
  • Application Timing: 申请将被接受并以滚动方式发放,直到资金耗尽为止.
  • Of Note: 
    • 每个财政年度,每位教员只能获得一个奖项.
    • 获奖者将在申请的一周内收到通知,以便创意可以付诸实施.
    • There is no retroactive funding

以下是皮尤FTLC沙盒学习创新基金的详细说明. Once you have reviewed the information below, 请按“申请资助”开始申请程序.  在申请过程中,申请可随时保存为“进行中”. 

Sandbox Learning Innovation Grant

有什么创新的教学方法吗 student engagement? Need a bit of seed funding? The new $500 sandbox Grant为以下项目的教师提供探索性资金:

  • New Teaching Strategies
  • Curriculum Development
  • Curriculum Redesign
  • Advising
  • Co-curricular Learning
  • Student Success
  • Student Mentoring
  • Other Innovative Idea

简单的申请流程只问一个问题:什么项目或 你有什么想法可以申请沙盒学习创新基金吗? No deadline; we will review proposals on a rolling basis until funds are 耗尽并在申请后一周内回复.

It is our hope that these sandbox grants seed larger projects; we 随时准备与您讨论我们如何能够提供支持 进一步发展你的创新想法,可能通过其中一个 我们的其他资助机会,如教学创新补助金.

包容性卓越特别强调沙盒奖助金旨在 支持教师在包容性教学方面变得更加审慎 and learning. Funds can be used in a variety of ways to enhance inclusion in the classroom. Here are just a few ways special emphasis grant funds can be used:

  • 通过参加一个世界性的提高包容性的教学曲目 Design for Learning online course CAST: Institutes & Online Courses  or other workshops focused on inclusive teaching and learning
  • 基金的经验,如参观博物馆,活动,演讲等. that expand inclusive teaching and learning
  • 重新设计课程,使内容、材料多样化, resources, and pedagogy
  • 培养外部指导关系和成功网络 students from historically marginalized groups

选择“沙盒学习创新资助”申请 the dropdown menu in the FTLC Grants System

Late Career Special Emphasis Sandbox Grant 

后期职业特别强调沙盒提供支持 faculty in the last five years or so of their careers. Whether the 教与学项目是专注于学习一项新技能或 方法,深化评估实践,或参与社区 合伙人,职业生涯晚期的教员被鼓励去冒险, explore new pedagogies, and exercise creativity. Please review the 一般沙盒授权描述的例子的种类 projects appropriate for this grant.

The Pew FTLC is grateful to the “Phasing In, Not Out: 重新构想教师职业生涯的最后五年“学习” 社区参与者建议设立此奖助金 opportunity. Faculty are invited to reach out to the Pew FTLC ([email protected]) for a 咨询或询问有关融资机会的问题.

开放教育资源(OER)特别强调沙盒补助金 支持教师采用开放教育资源进入一个 existing course. This grant provides faculty with a $500 stipend for adoption work carried out over Spring/Summer 2023 or the 2023-2024 academic year. Priority is given to new OER projects and courses that are taught on an ongoing basis. Special consideration 在多部分课程中采用/调整OER的项目. 

Applicants are encouraged to seek OER curation support through University Libraries Scholarly Communications. Inquiries also welcome through departmental liaison librarians or [email protected].

有关更多OER资助机会,请访问该大学 Libraries Accelerating Open Educational Resources at GVSU

注意:助学金申请在沙盒批准后处理 Grant Final Report. 

  • 所有教员(终身教职、终身教职、附属教职、访问教职和 adjunct) are eligible to apply.
  • Staff not eligible.
  • 每个财政年度,每位教员只能获得一个奖项.
  • Funding is not intended to supplement other funding.
  • 受资助人需要注意并遵守大学的规定 policies, particularly around equipment purchasing.

申请将以滚动方式接受和颁发,直至 funds are depleted.

每位获颁沙盒学习创新补助金的申请人 将负责提交最终报告(简短反思) 赠款完成后30天通过在线系统 activity and within 18 months of the application date.  The Pew FTLC 为了您的方便,会自动发送提醒邮件吗.  The 最终报告将要求你详细描述以下内容 代表您和任何共同申请人(1500字以内): 

  • 你是如何达到申请中列出的目标的? 包括你如何执行和评估你的奖助金活动?
  • 奖助金活动对你的教学有什么影响 学生、大学社区和/或你的学科?
  • 你们计划如何传播奖助金活动的成果?

请附上与拨款有关的任何材料,包括报告、 articles, pictures, etc.


要提交最终报告,请点击下面的“最终报告” "Application Details" within the FTLC Grant System.  Reimbursements will no longer be processed once a Final Report has been submitted.


  • 来验证我们对你的投资是否对我们的 学生的学习和你的专业发展
  • 为新的flc努力收集更多的想法 students and faculty
  • To improve our processes and outcomes

选择“沙盒学习创新资助”申请 the dropdown menu in the FTLC Grants System

所有与此奖助金有关的支出必须经过处理 your unit. 贵单位将寄送一份已支付费用的复印件(发票、 申请单,采购单,费用卡,学生工资 Report, Workday Expense Report) via the Budget Amendment for Organization process in Workday and send that to 皮尤教学和学习中心(这个过程是 previously done in OnBase). Upon receipt of the Workday Budget 修改申请,你的单位将由皮尤金融服务中心报销.

Page last modified November 17, 2023