

学习社区 (LCs) bring faculty and staff together to foster a 1-2 semester-long conversation on a topic of mutual interest and encourage an application of the knowledge gained.  Each LC consists of a facilitator and a group of at least four faculty or staff.  如果你感兴趣的话 registering for an LC, simply apply for a 学习社区 在 FTLC 格兰特系统.  All faculty are eligible to apply, and staff may participate with supervisor approval.

如果你感兴趣的话 形成 or 领先的 a 学习社区 for the current or upcoming academic year, complete a 学习社区 Letter of Intent Form. 如果您正在领导LC,请访问 LC促进者资源页.

寻找灵感?  访问我们的 Past Faculty 学习社区 webpage to see a complete list (with descriptions) of FLCs from past academic years.

多动症与高等教育 — How might a basic knowledge of explicitly designed instruction and other evidence-based practices assist with successfully supporting those with ADHD at the university level?

一代又一代 — How might greater understanding of the characteristics of our 学生, as compared to those of previous cohorts and our own demographic, help us connect with and teach them more effectively?

如何 Integrate AI in Advertising and Public Relations Teaching  How can AI improve the teaching practice in Advertising and public relations?

人工智能教学  AI is here—what should instructors know and do?

改造大学课堂 — How might creating a classroom environment that is conducive to learning benefit 学生 for the world beyond college?

Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals — Do you feel there is never enough time to get things done? Are the standards of productivity and efficiency you are holding yourself to impossible to achieve?

作弊,昨天和今天 — In the age of AI, how can instructors foster academic honesty?


The campus novel is a subgenre of fiction spotlighting the human comedy of academic life. 无论你在哪里,在海滩上, 海外, in your office toiling away—join us Fridays in July 3:00-4:00pm in Zoom to talk about a book. Register for one or as many discussions as you like, and FTLC will send you the print or audio version, 你的选择. Please register only for the book(s) you will meet to discuss. 向所有GVSU教职员工开放.

July 5 | 换地方:两个校园的故事


换地方:两个校园的故事戴维·洛奇(David Lodge)著(1984)

"At an English Department party an assistant professor gets tipsy and jokes about having never read 哈姆雷特. Several years later, the incident is raised when he goes up for tenure…."

在此注册 改变的地方 (洛奇,1984)读书俱乐部会议



Adjunctivitis by Gordon Haber (2013) - The author of this novella will join our discussion!

"An adjunct writing instructor tries to land a tenure-track position."

在此注册 Adjunctivitis (Haber, 2013)读书俱乐部会议



亲爱的委员们朱莉·舒马赫(Julie Schumacher)著(2014)

"This epistolary novel is told entirely in letters of recommendation in which a tenured professor bemoans his colleagues, 学生, 政府, 学术界的总体状况, 以及他自己平淡无奇的职业生涯."

在此注册 亲爱的委员们 (Schumacher, 2014)读书俱乐部会议



现实生活 布兰登·泰勒(2020)

"A queer Black graduate student in biomedical science comes of age in a White midwestern college town."

在此注册 现实生活 (Taylor, 2020)读书俱乐部会议




Inclusive teaching is a commitment by educators to support diverse student needs, 利益, 和能力, shaping not only classroom dynamics but also course and curriculum design.

The 包容性卓越教学学院 (IETI) will equip both Affiliate and Tenure-Track faculty with the tools to enhance inclusivity 在ir teaching. Drs. Chasity Bailey-Fakhoury and Sherry Johnson will lead this transformative experience. 在这里了解更多博天堂官方网页IETI的信息!

The Robert and Mary Pew Faculty Teaching and Learning Center serves as a catalyst for promoting a culture of teaching excellence at 大峡谷州立大学.  Rooted in a liberal education tradition and informed by the scholarship of teaching and learning, we advocate innovative teaching and student-centered pedagogies.  We partner with faculty as they prepare 学生 to contribute meaningfully to their professions and societies.
