Strategic Planning & Assessment

DSA Reach Higher 2025 Committee

学生事务处正在重新审视我们的战略规划,以更好地配合 Reach Higher 2025.  新成立的DSA高级委员会将致力于这方面的工作.

Andy Beachnau, Chair of Strategic Planning & 评估委员会,学生事务助理副校长办公室

Colleen Bailey, Housing & Residence Life

Melissa Baker-Boosamra, Office of Student Life 

Brian Bossick, University Counseling Center

Amy Campbell, Recreation and Wellness

DL McKinney, LGBT Resource Center

Jeremy Paul, Office of Student Life

Susan Sigler, Dean of Students Office


Shontaye Witcher, Disability Support Resources

支持学生成功的领域必须经过深思熟虑的规划,以支持大峡谷的使命,并与美国大学的大学认证标准保持一致 Higher Learning Commission (HLC) 为了继续提供高质量,以学生为中心的体验.

GVSU Division of Student Affairs Assessment

学生事务部的工作是由GVSU的机构使命指导, the Student Affairs mission, as well as our divisional mission, vision, and values; this work directs the efforts of our individual units as we partner with students.

为了推进我们的使命和愿景,我们制定了每年报告的战略目标.  承认我们对学生在课堂外学习的承诺, 我们已经制定了一套学生学习成果,这是我们工作的基础, 我们也会每年报告(比如我们的战略目标).  学生事务处的每个单位都制定单位任务, visions, and values specific to those areas.  通过战略规划和学生学习的年度报告流程, 各单位始终致力于持续改进的文化.  Within our unit strategic plans, 单位评估正在进行的支持学生的努力,并报告目标(如.g. utilization, satisfaction, student learning).  单元内学生学习成果(或以学生为中心的成果), 各单位每年报告至少1-2名受分部学生学习成果影响的学生的学习成果.

Each year, in order to complete assessment expectations, 学生事务人员必须在评估过程中理解我们所学到的东西(利用数据为决策提供信息), planning action as a result of decisions, 描述研究结果的重要性和对未来工作的影响).

Planning & Assessment

学生事务处使用的信息由 制度分析办公室和包容与公平司 为今天的湖人队提供相关的项目和服务.

Institutional Analysis

Inclusion & Equity Climate Study

Inclusion & Equity Campus Climate Incident Summaries

学生事务处的战略计划是一个活生生的文件 linked to the university strategic plan. Progress updates are added annually.  

GVSU Strategic Plan

GVSU Reach Higher 2025

项目评审过程包括:自我评估; 对标,外部评审访问和行动计划.

的修改使用 《博天堂官方》由促进社会进步委员会编写 Standards in Higher Education (CAS).

    学生事务部负责制定项目和倡议 围绕着一套健全的自由教育和美国的承诺 (LEAP)基本学习成果 American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U).

    Planning & Assessment Process

    Student Affairs Assessment Process


    Strategic Plan Outcome 1

    Outcome 1

    DSA将努力让所有学生参与到项目中来, services, 以及帮助学生建立联系和加强社区的活动



    (1b)通过课外机会改善学习体验,帮助所有参与者取得学习成果.  Specifically, student employment

    (1c) Remove barriers to programs and services for low-income students that inhibit participation; fees, hours, and frequency

    How We Measure

    (1a) Measure first six-week retention, attendance at programs, participation in student modules, and overall student satisfaction

    (1bc) Completion

    Responsible Unit


    (1bc) DSA Marketing Committee

    Strategic Plan Outcome 2

    Outcome 2





    How We Measure

    (2a)进行学生和家长调查,以确定对资源的认识.e. DSA newsletters)


    Responsible Unit

    (2a) Student Employment Dream Team

    (2b) DSA Marketing Committee

    Strategic Plan Outcome 3

    Outcome 3



    (3a) Hire AVP for student affairs well-being & inclusion



    How We Measure

    (3a) Position Filled AVP

    (3b) Share NCHA summary with GV partners

    (3c) Strategic Plan for Student Health & Wellbeing

    Responsible Unit

    (3a) VPSA and Search Committee

    (3bc) AVP for student well-being & inclusion & Well-being collective

    Strategic Plan Outcome 4

    Outcome 4




    (4b)每个员工都有一个围绕多样性的个人博天堂官方网页目标, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Belonging


    How We Measure

    (4a) DSA Report on DEI-AB progress by unit

    (4b) DSA DEIB委员会将每季度通过调查和部门报告收集部门进展情况

    (4c) HR, OIA, I&E

    Responsible Unit

    (4a)每个招聘流程的招聘经理与DSA DEI委员会协商,帮助制定声明并分享

    (4b) Appointing officer

    (4c) VPSA

    Mission, Vision, Core Values


    To elevate, challenge, 让所有的学习者在健康的环境中发展他们的激情和目标, inclusive, and equitable environment. 学生事务部通过参与体验式学习和特殊的学生支持对大学产生积极影响.



    As student affairs professionals, we value:  

    • Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Justice 
    • Creating a Community of Care and Respect  
    • Embracing Collaboration and Creativity  
    • Empowering Experiential and Engaged Learning 
    • Enhancing Health and Well-being  
    • Seeking Understanding Across Differences  

    Page last modified December 13, 2023