Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs (VPSA)

What is the VPSA?

负责学生事务的副校长办公室领导着一个全面的学生事务专业人员部门,致力于支持学生的成功, vision, and values of GVSU. VPSA办公室是监督和领导大学倡议的先锋,与内部部门合作,提高学生和湖人社区的整体教育体验.

Jenny Hall-Jones

Achiever, Adaptability, Self-Assurance, Maximizer, Relator

Jenny Hall-Jones, Vice President for Student Affairs

Email: [email protected]

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

“我对校园的参观让我看到,大峡谷对学生和同事有着令人难以置信的奉献精神,” Hall-Jones said. “社区面试中问我的问题给我留下了深刻的印象. They were around strategy and student well-being. Everyone asked about how we are going to support students. 这让我很好地了解了是什么激励着GVSU的人. I saw great camaraderie with the team here. 我看到了巨大的机会,既可以得到指导,又可以利用我的技能帮助学生和学生事务部门蓬勃发展.”

Dr. 珍妮·霍尔-琼斯目前担任学生事务副校长.  Dr. 霍尔-琼斯于2022年2月加入GVSU,担任首任学生事务副总裁. Dr. 霍尔-琼斯很高兴有机会得到指导,并利用她的技能来帮助提高学生的声音,促进学生事务部门的发展.

Read more about Jenny-Hall-Jones

Aaron Haight,负责学生参与的副校长兼院长

Email: [email protected]

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

亚伦·海特自2000年以来一直与GVSU的学生一起工作. 她目前担任学生参与副总裁和学生院长.  Dr. Haight自2013年起担任学生办公室主任,担任副主任, 副院长兼学生行为和特别项目主任,同时也领导学生事务部. Prior to the Dean of Students Office, 亚伦在学生生活办公室做了13年的助理主任,负责迎新工作, student organizations and fraternity and sorority life.

亚伦毕业于中密歇根大学,获得应用艺术学士学位, 她在大峡谷州立大学获得公共管理硕士学位, 她在东密歇根大学获得教育学博士学位.  她的论文题目是“研究学生参与和跨文化体验对机构承诺多样性的影响”.

亚伦也是“力量测试”和“本色”的推动者. 她为地区K-12学校提供大学入学、欺侮和多元化倡议方面的咨询. 她是Allendale Public Schools Board of Trustees的前任成员, Allendale Rotary and volunteered with the Allendale PTO, Allendale Youth Soccer Organization, and Allendale Little League.  

她的职位是副校长兼教务长, Aaron leads the Dean of Students Office functions and team.  She provides oversight, leadership and support to the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution, the Office of Student Life, the Promotions Office, 并监督学生事务部的危机应对工作, first-year experience initiatives, family programs, and divisional communication and marketing efforts.

Dean of Students Office  Office of Student Life Promotions Office 

Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution

Aaron Haight


Andy Beachnau

Achiever, Learner, Analytical, Relator, Restorative

Andy Beachnau, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs

Email: [email protected]

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Andy Beachnau是学生事务助理副校长. In his current role, Andy is responsible for Housing and Residence Life, 协助儿童成长中心的领导.  安迪已经在大峡谷州立大学工作了40年,担任过许多职位. 他于1982年在GVSU开始了他的职业生涯,担任宿舍主任,并于1984年成为宿舍生活协调员. In 1986, 他成为房屋署助理署长,并于1990年晋升为房屋署副署长. 在担任住房和卫生服务代理主任一年后, 1995年,他被聘为住房和卫生服务主任.  2011年,安迪被提升为负责学生事务的副教务长.  安迪于1982年获得阿尔玛学院政治科学和体育专业的文学学士学位, his M.Ed. 1985年毕业于美国格兰谷州立大学教育管理专业.D. 1995年在密歇根州立大学从事学院和大学管理工作. 1995年起在教育学院教授研究生课程.  安迪的妻子杰奎琳(GVSU, 1987)是频谱健康的注册护士. They live in Walker and have a daughter and son; Alexandra and Sean.


Children's Enrichment Center Housing & Residence Life


Email: [email protected]

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

凯特·哈蒙目前担任学生事务助理副总裁,负责校园健康中心的行政监督, 大学心理咨询中心以及酒精和其他药物服务中心, and the department of Recreation & Wellness. 凯特于2014年成为校园娱乐总监,此前她在GVSU娱乐中心工作了12年,负责监督日常运营. 在加入GVSU之前,她的工作经历包括健身和健康推广, personal training, group fitness instruction, and coaching soccer at youth and collegiate levels.  In 2019, 凯特的角色随着校园健康中心和各种学生健康倡议的监督而增加.  凯特在应急和风险管理方面有额外的经验, facility management, and advocacy for low-income and underrepresented students.

凯特于2022年获得密歇根大学弗林特分校教育领导专业的教育学博士学位. 她于2000年在中密歇根大学获得体育管理硕士学位,1998年在北密歇根大学获得体育科学学士学位.  在纽大,她是学生运动员和校足球队队长.  2019年,凯特获得了GVSU的领导力教育专家学位.  当她不工作的时候,你会发现她花时间和家人一起享受户外活动.  她目前在渥太华县公园和娱乐委员会任职.

Alcohol & Other Drugs Services Recreation & Wellness Student Health Center/Services 

University Counseling Center 


Kate Harmon

Strategic, Relator, Achiever, Arranger, Responsibility

Alisha Davis Headshot

Communication, Developer, Empathy, Positivity, Consistency

阿丽莎·戴维斯,社会正义中心助理副总裁 & Director of Office of Multicultural Affairs

Email: [email protected]

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Dr. 艾丽莎·戴维斯(Alisha Davis)于2009年开始在博天堂官方州立大学(GVSU)工作. 她目前担任社会正义中心助理副总裁和多元文化事务办公室主任. In her previous roles, 她是联合健康科学项目的副教授和项目主任. 阿丽莎现在和/或曾经在几个以多样性为中心的大学委员会任职, equity, and inclusion, student retention, faculty governance, faculty development, college personnel, and strategic planning. 她还与其他项目合作,重点关注校园内代表性不足的少数民族学生和教职员工, 她是黑人教职员工协会的领导团队成员, 也是种族平等顾问网络加速和问责领导团队的一员, which is a GVSU president’s initiative. In April of 2023, Dr. 戴维斯在该大学完成了一项博天堂官方网页包容与公平的总统奖学金, 以大学的包容性倡议为中心, diversity, equity, and access. Additionally, 她是NCOREs国家咨询委员会的成员,也是教师兴趣和需求委员会的主席, 同时也是凯瑟琳健康中心的董事会成员, and Comprehensive Therapy Center. She holds a Ph.D. 在西密歇根大学获得教育领导硕士学位.

Prior to coming to GVSU, Dr. 戴维斯在医疗保健行业工作了十多年,专注于质量改进, population health management, DEI, healthcare disparities, health literacy, and healthcare marketing and communications.

Office of Multicultural Affairs

Shontaye M. Witcher,负责学生事务和残疾支持资源的助理副校长

Email: [email protected]

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Dr. Shontaye Witcher has worked at GVSU since 2009. 她认为,成功的大学过渡始于准备. Dr. Witcher在残疾人支持资源部的包容与公平司担任助理长达15年, Associate, Director, and Assistant Vice President until 2023. 她目前担任学生事务助理副总裁,负责残疾支持资源和ADA合规的行政监督.

Dr. 威彻毕业于马斯基根社区学院,获得文学副学士学位, 她在密歇根州立大学获得心理学学士学位。, 她在密歇根州立大学获得社会工作和城市研究硕士学位, her Educational Specialist in Leadership from GVSU, 以及她在东密歇根大学获得的教育领导哲学博士学位. The title of Dr. Witcher的论文是“高等教育残疾专业人员对自闭症谱系障碍大学新生过渡过程的看法”. Dr. Witcher在与残疾有关的学习机构有丰富的经验, transitional barriers, 并支持资源,以促进和鼓励自主学习.

博天堂官方州立大学(GVSU)社区之外. Witcher是密歇根高等教育和残疾协会(MI AHEAD)等委员会的成员。, 湖岸种族多样性联盟(LEDA)董事会, Disability Advocates of Kent County (DAKC), and Best Financial Credit Union. She is a proud Alpha Kappa Alpha, Inc. (AKA) member.

Disability Support Resources

Shontaye Witcher

Input, Strategic, Arranger, Learner, 

Takeelia Garrett


Takeelia Garrett, Student Ombuds Officer

Email: [email protected]

Takeelia Garrett is a true Laker for a Lifetime! 2005年,她回到她深爱的母校,在住房和居住生活部门工作,担任助理主任. 直到2016年,她才成为GVSU的第一位学生管理员. While she enjoyed her time in Housing and Residence Life, Takeelia enjoys working with students on a deeper level. Her career in student housing has spanned 20 years.

Prior to coming back to GVSU in 2005, Takeelia曾在密歇根大学安娜堡分校担任Mosher-Jordan Hall的大厅主任, the University of Toledo, GVSU as a hall director, and Ferris State University. Takeelia毕业于格兰谷州立大学(Grand Valley State University),获得国际关系和政治学学士学位,辅修社会学(1996年),并获得教育学硕士学位, College Student Affairs Leadership (CSAL). 

Takeelia喜欢和她的儿子Jermarrio、家人和朋友一起度过她的空闲时间. She has been trained in DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) work, is trained in restorative justice circle facilitation, and is a trained mediator.  Takeelia is a proud member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. and is passionate about her work with students.  她希望看到学生们以湖人队的身份毕业,并与他们一起努力实现这一目标.  Takeelia认为学生的角色是GVSU社区不可分割的一部分,是一种资源和寻求帮助的私人场所.

One of her favorite quotes is by Mary Kay Ash, “每个人的脖子上都挂着一个看不见的牌子,上面写着, 'Make me feel important.' Never forget this message when working with people.“每个人都很重要,应该得到这样的对待.

Student Ombuds

Executive and Professional Administration

Photos Coming Soon

Division of Student Affairs Logo

Abbe Forbes, Director of Budget and Financial Planning

Email: [email protected]


Robin Burris, Executive Assistant to the Vice President

Email: [email protected]

Connectedness, Input, Strategic, Learner, Intellection

DSALT (Division of Student Affairs Leadership Team)


First Name Last Name Title Website Action
Andy Beachnau Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs Division of Student Affairs View
Kyle Boone Director, Housing and Residence Life Housing and Residence Life View
Robin Burris Executive Assistant to the VPSA Division of Student Affairs View
Alisha Davis 社会正义中心助理副总裁兼 the Office of Multicultural Affairs, Associate Professor Office of Multicultural Affairs View
Emily First Assistant Dean of Students Dean of Students Office View
Abigail (Abbe) Forbes 预算及财务规划主任-学生事务 Division of Student Affairs View
Takeelia Garrett Student Ombuds Student Ombuds View
Valerie Guzman Director of Student Life Office of Student Life View
Aaron Haight 负责学生活动的副校长兼教务长 Dean of Students Office View
Jenny Hall-Jones Vice President for Student Affairs Division of Student Affairs View
Kate Harmon Assistant Vice President for Well-being and Inclusion Division of Student Affairs View
Edward A. Jones II Director of Student Health Services Student Health Services View
DL McKinney Director, Milton E. Ford LGBT Resource Center Milton E. Ford LGBT Resource Center View
Aaron Mowen Director, Recreation and Student Wellness Recreation & Wellness View
Amber Roberts Director, University Counseling Center University Counseling Center View
Shane Scherer Director, Military & Veterans Resource Center Peter Secchia Military and Veterans Resource Center View
Susan Sigler Administrative Assistant Dean of Students Office View
Daphnea Sutherland Director, Children's Enrichment Center Children's Enrichment Center View
Megan Wierenga Laker Events and Communications Manager Office of Student Life View
Shontaye M. Witcher 负责学生事务和残疾支持资源的助理副校长 Disability Support Resources View
Ben Witt 学生行为和冲突解决办公室主任 Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution View

Page last modified August 28, 2023