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Faculty Evaluation Procedures

SG 3.07

  1. Policy Statement
  2. History

Policy Statement

Faculty Evaluation Procedures:

A.    Written Performance Expectations

每个单位将制定书面的绩效期望(合同) 各单位教员之续聘、任期、晋升及休假 as appropriate to various ranks. These expectations should be specific 要与本单位的学科重点相适应 全体教员的表现期望,如教员所表达的 手册和单位所在学院/学校的资料.

B.    Faculty Workload Reports and Faculty Workload Plans

Annually, by October 1, each faculty member will 为下一个日历年准备一个教师工作量计划(FWP) by February 1 submit the  Faculty Workload Report for the preceding calendar  year. These documents should address how 教师的活动和成就符合 对单位、学院/学校和大学的总体期望. 教员工作量计划和教员工作量报告将由 由单位负责人和学院院长审阅(或由学院院长审阅) designee of the dean) for consistency with unit and college 期望并可提供给本单位的教员.

C.    Student Course Evaluations

1.  通常,每学期完成每门课程的学生评估.

2.  教职员工可能会要求做出不公平的、带有偏见的评论 be redacted. This request is made in writing to the Unit Head. The 批准/不批准请求的决定将由联检组作出 Head, or a standing or ad hoc committee in the unit. This provision is 意在掩盖冒犯性的、种族主义的、性别歧视的、恐同的和其他的 个人评论,不打算从文件中排除 与课程教学直接相关的负面评论. A 部门决定不删除具体意见可上诉 the Dean of the College.

D.    Peer Evaluations

See the process identified in Board of Trustees' Policies  BOT 4.2.3 through 4.2.10.

E.   Unintentional Biases
1. GVSU致力于将政策和流程纳入评估 减少基于身份的偏见可能性的程序, 包括但不限于年龄,肤色,残疾,身高,体重, familial status, marital status, national origin, political 所属团体、种族、宗教、性/性别(包括性别认同和性别认同) 表达),性取向,退伍军人或现役军人 status. Nonetheless,
Grand Valley recognizes that there remain 无意的偏见可能会影响对学生的评估 and faculty at this institution.

2. 在继续努力使该机构更具包容性的过程中, 公平,欢迎所有人,鼓励教师 反思和缓和评估和所有其他评估过程中的偏见.

F.    Collegiality
1.  Faculty members are expected to refrain from engaging in 对彼此有威胁或伤害的非学院行为 对…的进步和成功至关重要的生产环境 the unit and the university community.  The functions of 教学/专业效能,奖学金/创意活动, 服务应该没有“不礼貌,滥用权力, 恐吓,羞辱,报复,侵犯个人 and academic freedoms". (Source: Senior Leadership Team policy SLT 3.3)

2.  同僚关系应该是专业的,而不是个人的, 术语,因为它与教员职责的履行有关.  同僚关系并不是指一个人对另一个人社交技巧的看法 或者在有争议的问题上的立场,这些不应该成为 faculty evaluation process.  Nor does collegiality require a display of enthusiasm, dedication, or "fit" within the unit.

3.  同僚关系不是第四个单独的评价标准 Grand Valley.  Only the three criteria specified in the General Personnel Policies (i.e., teaching/professional effectiveness, 学术/创造性活动和服务)是适当的一部分 the evaluation process; however, non-collegial behavior can be 作为适用于这三个标准的质量标准 在人事行动中,可能会导致负面结果.  (When 非合议行为影响单位的运作能力 有效地,它应该在服务评价标准下提出.)

4.  Non-collegiality is normally a pattern of behavior.  Verified and “重复和不合理的活动”的书面指控,或者 a severe non-collegial act" (Source SLT 3.3), will be considered 人事方面的非学院行为的证据 actions.  Concerns about non-collegial behavior must be communicated 由单位主管以书面形式向教员提出申请 brought up in a personnel action. 

5.  Academic misconduct, illegal activity, violations of GVSU's 歧视政策,或违反学术诚信 这是另一回事,应通过适当的纪律程序加以处理. 

另见总统内阁同僚政策声明 Policies [SLT 3.3]

G.  Contract Renewals, Promotion and Tenure Decisions

The process for personnel evaluations for contract renewals, 晋升和终身职位的决定在校董会的 Policies  BOT 4.2.9.
See also the Faculty Personnel Actions Workbook.

The unit head or designee(s) refers to the member or members 由单位指定进行人事审查的程序,如 specified in the Board of Trustees' Policies BOT 4.2.10. 

Evaluation Principles. The evaluation process is designed to create 一个公开的,统一的,公平的程序来审查教师 their peers. The central principle of this process is to have an 在面试中,对候选人进行信息灵通、坦诚、开放的工作相关讨论 由单位投票和书面推荐后召开的单位会议. 这是通过以下以大纲形式给出的步骤完成的 (每个步骤的具体细节见相关章节):

1.  由单位负责人和候选人提交给单位 正在考虑的行动所需的材料,包括 relevant Faculty Workload Plans and Faculty Workload Reports.

2.  An agenda for a unit meeting based on the candidate’s review 材料和单位定期教师的输入后审查 candidate’s materials. This input should address both the candidate’s 成就和作者对候选人的关注 addressed the criteria for review.

3.  A unit meeting where the strengths and weaknesses of the 对候选人进行讨论,然后对人员进行单位投票 action. The first motion for a vote on the personnel action under 考虑的是行动(续期、晋升或任期).

4.  单位会议后根据所准备的单位推荐 the discussion and written comments. This recommendation is submitted to the dean.

5.  A review of the unit action by a College/Library Personnel Committee whose role is to:

a.  ascertain whether the unit has followed the procedures for contract renewal, etc.

b.  ascertain whether the unit has adequately discussed all the 该单位的正式教员对候选人提出的问题 under discussion.

c.  确定实质性问题是否需要委员会 contradict the unit’s recommendation.

d.  in the absence of a valid vote by the unit, to make a recommendation based on its own judgment.

Evaluation Procedure Flow Chart.  
A Flow Chart of the evaluation procedure is available on the Office of the Provost website.


May 13, 2024 - added "Intentional Biases, E" and re-lettered others.

May 19, 2023 - added #2 at C. Student Course Evaluations

2022年6月29日-将教师活动计划更改为教师工作量 Plan; changed Faculty Activity Report to Faculty Workload Report

August 27, 2019 - changed "President's Cabinet" to "Senior Leadership Team"

January 7, 2019 - FH 3.05 A-F retitled SG 3.07

August 6, 2018 -FH 3.05 E "Collegiality" revised at March 2, 2018 UAS, to be effective