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定期评估的教师领域,以更新试用任用, Promotion, Tenure, and Periodic Performance Reviews

BOT 4.2.9

Policy Statement

4.2.9 Areas of Evaluation for Renewal of Probationary 任命、晋升、任期和定期绩效评估.

1. College Regular Faculty. The individual College's 人事委员会将采用上述评价标准 section in arriving at its recommendations. All regular faculty, 无论是全职还是兼职,都应按照相同的标准进行评估 并且要证明他们达到了 表现符合其职级的期望. In these 除因充分理由解雇外的人事行为 证明他们的表现保证了根据 由接受审查的正式教员来考虑. It 大学是否有责任处理申请人员 action. 下面列出的每一个标准都必须向一些人展示 degree, but teaching is regarded as the most important. It is 定期的教师评审必须是彻底、公平和一致的 with clearly stated standards and criteria (Section 4.2.9) and procedures (Section 4. 2.10). 教师评审应该促进一种持续改进的文化.

A. Effective Teaching. Effective teaching facilitates 学生的学习包括但不限于对知识的掌握 现场教学,课堂和辅导表现,以及沟通 and human relations skills. Faculty members teach effectively by 挑战和吸引学生,通过支持他们的学术和 专业成长,并通过建立和保持较高的学术水平 standards. 他们在课程中一起讨论相关知识 具有与该学科相关的知识和实践技能 profession. They use appropriate pedagogies and relevant assessments of student learning. They contribute to revising or developing courses and curricula as needed by their units. Effective teaching must be 记录:a)自我评价,b)同行评价,c)学生评价.

B. Scholarly/Creative Activity. Within a normal 全时负荷,所有正规教员均可参与 scholarship or creative activity. The University welcomes the 发现的学问,整合的学问 申请奖学金和教学奖学金(如 conceptualized by Boyer, 1990). All of these forms are valued in determinations for promotion and tenure. The University uses the 以下三个类别来描述奖学金/创造性 activities:1)advancement 知识/创造性活动,2)学术参与,3) professional development.

C. Service to the Institution, the Profession, and the Community. A faculty workload includes service 给机构,和/或专业,和/或社区. 每个单位/学院都会写标准来描述多少和什么 每个职级和任期都规定了服务类型; promotion, and annual review. It is the responsibility of each faculty 成员描述服务的性质和所涉及的时间承诺.

Each College and unit must establish its own 各职级和任期的评估标准和准则. College 标准和准则可能比大学标准更具体 和标准,但不能与它们相矛盾或冲突. Unit 标准和标准可能比大学标准和标准更具体 标准,但不得与标准或标准相矛盾或冲突 University standards and criteria. Each candidate for a personnel 行动必须包括其单位标准和标准的副本 作品集,或在替代,书面承认单位 guidelines that are being applied.

For both College and unit, after approval by the 院长,这些标准和标准必须提交给学校 人事审查委员会(UPRC),该委员会将向 Provost/Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs. Final approval 是由教务长/学术事务执行副校长决定的吗.

It is recognized that the relative importance of 任何专业成就和服务标准都可能有所不同 这取决于包括常规阶段在内的各种因素 教师的职业生涯,评估的目的,以及 program objectives of the unit, College, and University.

2. Library Regular Faculty. The University Libraries' 人事委员会将采用上述评价标准 section in arriving at its recommendations. All regular library 教师,无论是全职还是兼职,都应以同样的标准进行评估 标准和期望证明他们符合的水平 表现符合其职级的期望. In these 除因充分理由解雇外的人事行为 证明他们的表现保证了根据 由接受审查的正式教员来考虑. It 大学是否有责任处理申请人员 action. 下面列出的每一个标准都必须向一些人展示 degree. 专业效率被认为是最重要的. 教师评审应该促进一种持续改进的文化.

A. Professional Effectiveness. This includes, but is 不局限于图书馆情报学知识; 在参考服务、馆藏开发和 bibliographic organization and control; communication skills; human relations skills; evaluation skills; and teaching, although not necessarily in a classroom situation. Evaluation of such activities 会以同事和/或那些谁的判断为基础 are instructed or served.

B. Scholarly/Creative Achievement. All regular 图书馆教职员工应从事学术或创造性工作 activity. 大学欢迎发现的奖学金 综合奖学金,应用奖学金,以及 教学学术(由Boyer提出,1990年). All of 这些表格对于晋升和终身职位都是有价值的. The 大学用以下三个类别来描述 scholarship/creative activities: 1)advancement 知识/创造性活动,2)学术参与,3) professional development.

C. Service to Unit, University, and the Profession/Community. A faculty workload includes service to the institution, and/or the profession, and/or the community. Each 单位/大学图书馆将编写标准来描述多少 以及每个职级和终身职位需要什么样的服务类型; promotion, and annual review. The University Libraries will determine 最适合自己的社区/专业服务类型 specific mission and program objectives. It is the responsibility of 每位教师描述服务的性质和时间 commitment involved.

大学图书馆必须建立自己的标准 criteria for evaluation at each rank and tenure. The University 图书馆的标准和标准可能比大学更具体 标准和标准,但不能与它们相矛盾或冲突. 每个人事行动的候选人必须包括一份 大学图书馆的标准和标准的组合,或在 备选的,书面确认批准日期 University Libraries'guidelines that are being applied.

经院长批准后,这些标准和标准必须是 submitted to the University Personnel Review Committee (UPRC), who will 为教务长/执行副校长提供建议 Academic Affairs. Final approval is decided by the Provost/Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.

(1) The term "library" wherever it appears in Section 2 represents the totality of "University Libraries."