Purchasing Policies and Procedures

The Procurement Services department reports to the Business and 金融 unit, a member of the 金融 and Administration division. Procurement Services purchases the 供应, equipment and 服务 which support the University’s mission on a timely and best value basis. Our goal is to cooperatively develop and execute sourcing strategies with departments that will provide the highest professional standards, 服务, and practices while providing purchasing tools and programs to make each department more efficient by utilizing all University resources effectively.


A central purchasing office shall be maintained to serve the needs of the entire university. This office shall be responsible for the purchase of all materials, 供应, and 服务 costing more than $5,000, as well as both purchased and rental equipment, with the following exceptions:

  1. Books, pamphlets, and periodicals for the library
  2. Bookstore merchandise for resale
  3. Professional consulting 服务
  4. Architectural and consultant 服务, new constructions, contractual repairs and remodeling
  5. Pro shop merchandise for resale
  6. Software licenses and related maintenance agreements

Purchases of $5,000 and less or purchases involving sole source will be handled in accordance with procedures issued by the treasurer for the efficient procurement of these items. The purchasing office shall develop standards for equipment and 供应 and encour年龄 the use of the standards throughout the university.

The selection of a vendor is the responsibility of the purchasing office. In the selection, the purchasing office shall not in any way discriminate against any vendor because of race, 信条, 年龄, 性, or national origin, nor shall the university continue to patronize vendors known to practice any forms of discrimination.

The purchasing office shall accept no gift or gratuity from a vendor nor shall they, in the name of the university, make or attempt to make personal purchases for faculty or staff.

No commitment of funds shall be made by the purchasing office without prior approval of the unit to which the commitment is to be charged.

For all purchases exceeding $10,000 and when appropriate on lesser amounts, the purchase shall be preceded by competitive bids. These bids should be written except when time or other circumstances do not permit, in which case verbal bids are acceptable if properly documented. Only qualified reputable vendors shall be asked to bid. After the award is made, the list of bidders and the amount of each shall become public information available to anyone on request. For all purchases exceeding $25,000, with the exception of professional 服务, such as legal, architectural and engineering, or other consulting 服务, the purchase shall be preceded by competitive sealed bids. The bids are to be returned in envelopes furnished and so marked. The bid request will state the day and time due. At that time they are to be publicly opened and read aloud. No sealed bids can be accepted if received after the date and time specified. Unsuccessful bidders may appeal the decision of the purchasing office to improve procedures in future purchasing or to correct any misunderstanding that may have arisen. Purchase of items when there is a sole source need not be bid.

This office shall be responsible for the orderly disposal of surplus, 过时了, and worn out equipment.

来源: GVSU Policies


Full documentation of Procurement Services procedures can be found on Grand Valley State University Business and 金融's website: Purchasing Procedures (PDF).

P年龄 last modified June 13, 2022