Mary Idema Pew Library

Mary Idema Pew Library at night

玛丽·艾德玛·皮尤图书馆学习和信息共享中心旨在成为艾伦代尔校区的知识中心. 它将超出任何人的预期,任何人都认为图书馆仅仅是一个印刷书籍和低声说话的家. In this new library, students will find a range of environments, from noisy to quiet, in which they can work on an assignment alone or in a group; receive coaching from a peer consultant in research, writing, or presenting; practice a new skill or play with a new idea; learn something unexpectedly; engage easily with each other in spaces engineered to accommodate the sounds of natural conversation; or curl up by the fireplace in a contemplative space with the best views on campus. 学生们将在考虑到他们的需求而精心设计的建筑中完成所有这些事情-正确的照明, the right furniture, the right resources, the right services, the right spaces, and the right amount of flexibility. 随着玛丽·艾德玛·皮尤图书馆学习和信息共享中心成为每个学生在大峡谷大学经历中不可或缺的一部分,“去图书馆”将具有全新的意义.


Mary Idema Pew Spaces

A Range of Environments

With more than 150,000 square feet of space, 玛丽·艾德玛·皮尤图书馆的面积是前詹姆斯·H·皮尤图书馆的两倍多. Zumberge Library.

Image of students studying in the Mary Idema Pew Library

Alone or Together

The east side of the library is quiet and contemplative, 而西翼则邀请对话并提供协作工作空间,以支持学生今天的学习方式,并为未来的团队导向的工作环境做好准备.

Quiet or Loud

一个声音系统将编程的声音投射到协作区域,这样学生们就能舒服地用正常的语调说话. 在安静的学习区域,系统会发出白噪音来掩盖声音,减少干扰.

Indoor or Outdoor

The library offers several outdoor spaces, including an amphitheater on the north side of the building, patio seating next to the café, and a reading garden on the third floor. 还有各种独特而诱人的室内环境.

Outdoor shot of Mary Idema Pew study spaces

Flexible Spaces

In the Mary Idema Pew Library, each element in the space—29 types of seating, a variety of tables and equipment, mobile and floor-to-ceiling whiteboards, 而激发创造力的物品也被选择来帮助学生创造属于自己的空间.

Great Views

Rising up alongside the Cook Carillon Clock Tower, the Mary Idema Pew Library offers remarkable views of campus, the ravines, and the surrounding area.


图书馆展示了GVSU对可持续发展的承诺, and was awarded LEED Platinum, the highest LEED Certification. 预计该建筑使用的能源将少于同规模建筑通常所需能源的50%.

Photograph of Mary Idema Pew Study Space

Group Study

Study rooms accommodate groups of 1 to 3, and are reservable online. 学生还可以在任何协作区域创建一个动态的房间.

Learning Labs

图书馆有两个教室用于图书馆教学:一个是传统的计算机实验室,另一个是为高科技协作设计的实验室. 两个实验室在没有正式教学的情况下都对学生开放.

Event Spaces

On the Atrium level, 图书馆有能力在多功能厅举办教育演讲和大型活动. Contact Event Services to reserve the space.

Mary Idema Pew Library Services

图书馆是一个学习实验室,学生可以在这里合作, get help with research or writing assignments, practice public speaking, 或者发展数字项目——这些技能将在他们的余生中使用.

Knowledge Market at GVSU

Knowledge Market

The Knowledge Market 有训练有素的同学可以帮助你提高技能吗. 我们的同伴顾问一对一或小组合作,帮助学生制定研究策略, writing skills, and polish presentations.

Service Desk

Need help? 一楼的图书馆服务台可以让你开始你的研究, help you find a book, or deliver one you've already ordered.

IT Help Desk

Located on the Atrium level, the IT Help desk 为GVSU在读学生提供笔记本电脑贷款和硬件和软件支持, faculty, and staff.

Mary Idema Pew Library Technologies

Emerging Technologies

除了为今天的学生提供必要的数字工具, 图书馆通过互动展示和实践会议提高了对重要主题和新兴技术的认识和理解.

Learning Alcove

On the first floor, 学习凹室是一个小型剧场,展示了一系列的知识分子, inspirational, 和挑衅性的作品,以吸引学生在偶然的对话和学习的时刻.

Technology Showcase

Across from the IT Help desk, the Atomic Object Technology Showcase 给学生一个动手的机会来学习和玩最新的技术.

Students using computers at the Mary Idema Pew Library


大楼里到处都是Windows和Macintosh电脑, 学生们需要的研究工具唾手可得.

Digital Displays



With wireless printing, 学生可以从图书馆的任何一台打印机上取回他们的文件, or create working prototypes, architectural models, and other three dimensional objects using 3-D printers.

Mary Idema Pew Library Collections

Designed for the Way You Work

In designing the Mary Idema Pew Library, 我们考虑了对可浏览材料的需求,以及对学习和协作空间的渴望. Books in the humanities, 以及当前和高用途的书籍在科学和社会科学, are housed on the second, third, and fourth floors, 而图书馆的其他印刷品收藏则被安置在紧凑的存储空间中,随时可以访问.

Browsable Collections

Photo of books at the Mary Idema Pew Library

图书馆的开放式书库可以容纳15万本书,允许浏览和偶然发现. 书的周围是靠窗的座位,扶手椅和舒适的椅子,鼓励学生流连忘返.


Photo of the ASRS at Mary Idema Pew Library

其余的收藏被安置在一个可以容纳600个的自动存储和检索系统中,000 books, 虽然占用了传统货架所需空间的一小部分. Books may be requested on the library’s website and delivered to patrons in minutes at the service desk.

Mary Idema Pew Library Vision and History

Mary Idema Pew Library Rendering

玛丽·艾德玛·皮尤图书馆学习和信息共享中心计划成为艾伦代尔校区的知识中心. The road to the new building began with a vision, and over years and the generosity of over 1,400 donors, was transformed into a reality.

Learn More about the Vision and History


To schedule a tour, contact [email protected].


Map showing the Mary Idema Pew Library


LIB, 1 Campus Drive
Allendale, MI 49401
(616) 331-3500

Directions to the Allendale Campus


Map of Allendale Campus

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Page last modified August 28, 2023