讨论会系列: 包容 and 股本 Efforts to Elevate Historically Underrepresented Faculty and 工作人员 - Current Events


包容性的划分 & 股本, 教务长办公室, 人力资源, and the Pew Faculty Teaching and Learning Center have collaborated to create a Colloquium Series: 包容 and 股本 Efforts to Elevate Historically Underrepresented Faculty and 工作人员. Contemporary scholars and practitioners will construct the learning spaces with tremendous insights into inclusion, 股本, 以及高等教育中的社会公正. The series' motivation is employee climate and is a response to ongoing conversations with our affinity groups and campus climate data.  We want to be a place w在这里 our historically and structurally underrepresented faculty and 工作人员 can thrive.


博天堂官方我&E Colloquium on Supporting Native and Indigenous 工作人员, Faculty, Students and Communities

Let's continue the conversation around supporting Indigenous Knowledge Systems, per Dr. Tachine:

Join the Native American Advisory Council leadership for input sessions around expanding indigeneity in the classroom with GVSU


Dr. 阿曼达Tachine

推荐者: Dr. 阿曼达·R. Tachine博士, 代词她,她,她的

Dr. 阿曼达·R. 塔奇纳是来自亚利桑那州加纳多的纳瓦霍人. She is Náneesht’ézhí Táchii’nii (Zuni Red Running into Water) born for Tł’ízí łání (Many Goats). She is an Assistant Professor in Educational Leadership & 亚利桑那州立大学的创新. Amanda’s research explores the relationship between systemic and structural histories of settler colonialism and the ongoing erasure of Indigenous presence and belonging in college settings using qualitative Indigenous methodologies. She is the author of Native Presence and Sovereignty in College and co-editor of Weaving an Otherwise: In-relations Methodological Practice. She has published in the Journal of Higher Education, 定性调查, International Review of Qualitative Research, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 以及其他学术机构. She also has published thought pieces in the Huffington Post, 半岛电视台, 山上, 《博天堂官方》, 今日印度, 高等教育内幕, and Navajo Times w在这里 she advances ideas regarding discriminatory actions, 教育政策, 以及鼓舞人心的运动.



给所有gvsu的员工 & 教师
领导力讲座:博士. 阿曼达Tachine
Grand River Room, Room 2250, Kirkhof Center
Audience: All GVSU faculty and 工作人员 are encouraged to attend.


This workshop is designed to assist faculty and 工作人员 to better serve Native colleagues as supervisors and peers. Learning outcomes are also intended for those with supervisory and management responsibilities. It is designed for university-wide leadership (with an emphasis on those that supervise), 虽然所有人都被邀请了. 请登记 在这里 到3月12日.

We prefer that you be in person to connect with our presenter.  However, if you can only attend virtually, we are happy to provide a link.  请在您注册时通知我们.

Native Presence and Sovereignty in College - Introduction                                                                                                     

对于美国本土的州立大学教职员工 & 邀请客人

2024年3月18日周一| 3:00-4:30pm 
North C Living Center, Room 137 NCLC, 艾伦代尔 Campus
邀请GVSU的教员, 工作人员, and administrators and community who identify as Native American as well as special guests.


This session is designed for GVSU faculty and 工作人员 who identify as Native American.  这样做的目的是为了与Dr. Tachine and colleagues in an informal space to discuss AI+ initiatives, building relationships between institutions of higher education and tribal communities, 并支持未来的原住民领袖. 请登记 在这里 到3月12日.


Alumni House and Visitor Center, 11150 N Campus Dr.密歇根州艾伦代尔市49401
邀请GVSU的教员, 工作人员, and administrators and community who identify as Native American as well as special guests.


请和我们共进晚餐. Tachine to foster community and discuss the day's events in a relaxed, welcoming setting. 请登记 在这里 到3月12日.



2024年3月19日,星期二| 10:00am-12:00pm
Center for Health Sciences, Room CHS 290, 301 密歇根 St NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
邀请GVSU的教员, 工作人员, and administrators and community who identify as Native American as well as special guests.


请和我们一起吃早餐. Tachine, colleagues from GVSU and the greater 密歇根 Native American community for conversations around statewide and regional initiatives related to education, tribal economies and intergovernmental relations as well as a strong focus on future Native learners and leaders. 邀请将发送给个人.

联系 卡莉青年, (电子邮件保护)有问题吗?.

Dr. 阿曼达Tachine's Book on Native Sovereignty in College

Native Presence and Sovereignty in College


What is at stake when our young people attempt to belong to a college environment that reflects a world that does not want them for who they are? 在这本引人入胜的书中, Navajo scholar 阿曼达Tachine takes a personal look at 10 Navajo teenagers, following their experiences during their last year in high school and into their first year in college. It is common to think of this 生活 transition as a time for creating new connections to a campus community, but what if t在这里 are systemic mechanisms lurking in that community that hurt Native students’ chances of earning a degree? Tachine describes these mechanisms as systemic monsters and shows how campus environments can be sites of harm for Indigenous students due to factors that she terms 怪物的归属感, 即同化, 递减, harming the worldviews of those not rooted in White supremacy, heteropatriarchy, 资本主义, 种族歧视, 和本土擦除. This book addresses the nature of those monsters and details the Indigenous weapons that students use to defeat them. 根植于爱, 生活, 神圣, 和主权, these weapons reawaken students’ presence and power.

请点击 在这里 如果您想购买Dr. Tachine的书
