DeVos Center for Interprofessional健康 will help meet changing needs 医疗保健行业

GVSU officials, community leaders and donors cut a ribbon at a November 3 event to celebrate the Daniel and Pamella DeVos Center for Interprofessional健康.
图片来源- Amanda Pitts

Grand Valley State University's new Daniel and Pamella DeVos Center for Interprofessional健康 (DCIH) is addressing the ever-changing 卫生保健教育的需求,菲洛梅娜·V·奥巴马总统说. 曼 在新卫生大楼的落成典礼上.

About 400 community members and donors attended the November 3 event to celebrate DCIH, which opened in May on Grand Valley’s Health Campus 在大急流城市中心的医疗大道上.

GVSU校长Philomena V. 曼特拉在讲台上发表讲话.
GVSU校长Philomena V. 曼.
图片来源:Valerie Hendrickson

曼 said the dedication was a celebration of GVSU’s partnership 与社区和国家合作.

“Because of your support, we can better prepare our students, 增加毕业生的数量,跟上许多人的步伐 programmatic needs of the health care systems,” 曼 said.

In addition to supporting health majors, 曼 said students from health-adjacent programs such as social work, criminal justice, biomedical engineering, and hospitality and tourism management will 在新的健康建筑中学习和合作.

“There is also expansive space for our industry partners to work with computer science graduate students and faculty in the GVSU Applied “计算机学院,”曼特拉说. “而且,还有新的空间 support student veterans in The Peter Secchia Family Military and 退伍军人休息室.”

Pamella and Daniel DeVos, center, were lead donors for the new health center.
图片来源:Valerie Hendrickson

Daniel and Pamella DeVos were the lead donors for the center, with 另有700名捐助者提供了2000多万美元. 的状态 密歇根州为这个耗资7000万美元的项目提供了2900万美元. 

 Dan DeVos thanked donors who supported the facility, saying it will have a significant impact on Grand Valley students and the quality of 关心更广泛的社区.

“We felt drawn to the opportunity to help Grand Valley bring even 更多高素质人才进入该地区。. “我们也在 captivated by the idea of interprofessional training that prepares students to work in patient-centered teams, which is clearly the 医疗保健的未来.”

Pamella DeVos said it was a privilege to serve on the art advisory 中心委员会. “从一开始,丹和我就 supported and taken interest in many aspects of this new building, from the advanced learning technology to the beautiful art which has been installed throughout the hallways and classrooms,” s他说. “We intentionally selected pieces we believed would resonate with students and provide them with inspiration in their learning journeys.” 

Katie Branch, Simulation的主管.
Katie Branch, Simulation的主管.
图片来源:Valerie Hendrickson
Zoie Hulst, 医师助理学习项目的学生, speaks at 在讲台上. 护理学生贾里德·戈登站在她旁边.
Zoie Hulst, 医师助理学习项目的学生, 给评论, 还有护理学生贾里德·戈登, 正确的.
图片来源:Kendra Stanley-Mills

DCIH includes one of the largest interprofessional, comprehensive, 最先进的模拟中心. 亮点包括 electronic 3D modeling and imaging of the body and its organs, plastinated specimens, a virtual anatomy table and classrooms with 互动式墙壁和地板.

Katie Branch, Simulation的主管, said since DCIH opened, GVSU has received calls for tours from institutions throughout the country. 她说,学生来自20多个与健康相关的学术机构 disciplines come to the simulation spaces to perfect their clinical, 治疗,沟通和身体评估技能. 

“It took the foresight and input of GVSU leadership, faculty, staff, community members, donors and especially students to create a facility that inspires curiosity and fosters innovation,” Branch said.

Zoie Hulst, a senior in the physician assistant studies program, said DCIH provides an environment to create interprofessional relationships 有一群未来的医学专业人士. 她说她是 在模拟中心学习最多.  

“Everything about these simulations is real, 正确的 down to my 肾上腺素,”赫尔斯特说. “模拟提供了工作空间 through my adrenaline and work on my critical thinking skills in extremely high-stake cases without someone’s life on the line.”

DCIH has 17 classrooms and 12 interactive laboratories equipped to create interprofessional team environments and encourage collaboration.

Nursing student Jared Gordon said it’s clear students were kept in 健康建筑设计中的思考. 

“The simulation labs give us a safe but realistic environment to test our knowledge and skills in situations we will encounter as nurses,” 他说. 隔音的自习室和巨大的白板很棒 for mapping out important concepts, and I love reserving them with my 在大考前护理朋友.”

Nathan Kemler, director of Galleries and Collections, stands at podium.
Nathan Kemler, director of Galleries and Collections, 给评论 at 在讲台上.
图片来源- Amanda Pitts

在DCIH内展出了400多件艺术品,其中包括 每层楼都有当代玻璃艺术品. 最重要的是 作品是世界著名艺术家戴尔·奇胡利的作品. 玻璃 片,名为 湖人蓝和蛋白石波斯吊灯, is 艺术家的代表 波斯 系列. 

Nathan Kemler, director of Galleries and Collections at GVSU, said 社区、同理心和创新是一些 建筑中艺术作品的中心主题. 

“It was important to talk about health from a holistic perspective. From the Flint water crisis and teen homelessness to gender identity and systemic racism, these stories provide important perspectives that help our learners grow in empathy and understanding of mental and 身体健康,”他说. 

DCIH is the third and flagship building on the Health Campus, joining 库克-德沃斯健康科学中心和罗利J. 芬克尔斯坦大厅.


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