International Graduate 博天堂官方 Requirements

To be considered 对入学, you must submit

Please note that some graduate programs have 额外的需求

看到 International Graduate 转学生s section for 额外的需求


对求职者 外 美国的:

  • 秋季申请截止日期为5月1日
  • Winter application deadline is October 15

对求职者 内部 美国的:

  • F所有 application deadline is July 1
  • Winter application deadline is December 1


Certain graduate programs have different deadlines. Please review your intended program's 需求.


完成 国际申请 对入学.


The nonrefundable application fee is payable by credit card or money order.

个人陈述 (if required by your program)

One- to two-page personal statement indicating your academic goals and the ways in which this graduate program can help you attain your professional goals. This statement must be typed and signed.


  • All transcripts must be sent to Grand V所有ey directly from the university.
  • Original, attested, or certified copy of 所有 学习成绩: 所有 colleges and/or universities you have attended.
  • Diplomas or graduate certificates from 所有 universities where you have earned a degree.
  •  If your transcripts are not in English, then you will need to submit an English translated transcript along with the original transcript.



We will accept three year Bachelor degrees that meet the following conditions:


对入学, 所有 international students must take one of the approved 英语水平 exams, except for students from 英语水平 exam 豁免的国家.

All test scores must be sent from the testing service.  We are not able to accept unofficial test scores.

  • TOEFL: 80 (we do not accept "My Best" score 对入学)
  • 雅思:6.5
  • PTE: 53
  • Duolingo: 105


英语水平 考试豁免国家:

  • 安提瓜岛 & 巴布达, 澳大利亚, 巴哈马群岛, 巴巴多斯, 伯利兹, 百慕大, 博茨瓦纳, 加拿大, 多米尼加, 斐济, 冈比亚, 加纳, 大开曼群岛, 格林纳达, 圭亚那, 爱尔兰, 北爱尔兰, 牙买加, 肯尼亚, 莱索托, 利比里亚, 马拉维, 新西兰, 尼日利亚, 塞拉利昂, 南非, St. Christopher-Nevis、圣. 基茨、圣. 卢西亚,圣. 文森特 & Grenadines, Swaziland, Tanzania, Trinidad & Tobago, Uganda, United Kingdom, Virgin Islands, Zambia, and Zimbabwe


Several graduate programs will require the GRE 对入学.  The general GRE code for Grand V所有ey is 1258.  If you are applying to a program that requires a CAS application system, please use the GRE code for that application.  If your program does not require a CAS application, then use code 1258.



核实财政资助 (to be submitted after admission)

Graduate students must have sufficient finances to cover tuition, 费用, and housing costs for one year at Grand V所有ey. The minimum amount of support is $28,810.  You can find the estimated tuition and living expenses on the International Tuition and Fees website.

The financial verification form, bank statement and passport for your I-20 can be submitted here -

What are acceptable financial documents?

  • Personal bank statements indicating required currency amount in liquid asset form (business accounts are not accepted)
    • 现金存款, 存单, 储蓄账户, term deposits and checking accounts are acceptable
  • Investment statements indicating liquid assets
    • Submissions need to include clear evidence of the fund’s liquidity and the cash surrender value
  • Graduate assistantship award letter
  • Athletic scholarship letter from a Grand V所有ey athletic team
  • 政府资助
    • Letter must have contact information of the organization providing funding
  • 教育贷款确认函

What information does my bank statement need to have? 

  • All financial documents must have at least three months of transaction history or proof that the account has been active for more than three months
  • All certificate of deposit and term deposit statements must include the maturity date
  • All financial documents must be in English. Documents not in English must be accompanied by an official English translation.
  • All financial documents must be printed on official bank letterhead and must be signed by the appropriate bank official.

F所有 tuition and 费用 are set by the university in July and will be published on the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship website.

International Graduate 转学生s

Grand V所有ey welcomes transfer students from U.S. and international colleges and universities.

作为应用程序的一部分, we will ask you to provide an original, official transcript from your current college or university. The transcript must show the classes you have taken, the number of credits or hours that are assigned to each class, and the grade or mark that you received. 

为了给非美国学生加分.S. courses, we will need course descriptions. Course descriptions are not required for colleges and universities located in the U.S., as those courses will be reviewed automatic所有y. The course descriptions are not required 对入学, but if they are submitted with the application, your courses can be reviewed quicker. Course descriptions can be sent directly to (电子邮件保护).

Please also review the “All 国际学生s” section above.
